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Overige Kamerstukken

Stresstest eindrapport van de Kerncentrale Borssele (Engelse versie)

for the sake of emergency preparedness. The existing alarm procedure should be extended with a straightforward decision model for the above mentioned points and additional necessary actions. For example, the logistical implications of bringing in staff...


Overige Kamerstukken


of about 500 utilities at the level of local communities also remains open. Their restructuring and reorganisation have not yet begun and the plan for their privatisation remains undefined. In December 2007, the law on...


Overige Kamerstukken

MER Deel 4D Verkeersonderzoek

wegvakken waarop het planeffect groter is dan 5%. Op de wegvakken die wel in het studiegebied vallen, maar niet zijn meegenomen in deze analyse is het planeffect dus kleiner dan 5%. Met de kleuren zijn de...


Overige Kamerstukken

Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment Groningen Field update for Production Profile GTS - raming 2019

Building Requests 319 15,502 80 15,901 Renovations 14 37,753 24 8 37,799 Technical calculations 141 15,105 126 1 15,373 Situations 551 10,941 342 11,834 N/A 4,707 16 4,723 Undefined 350 9,000 9,350 7,373 177,390 4,348 15...


Overige Kamerstukken

Jaarverslag Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties 2018

Het totaal aantal nieuw opgeleverde woningen in 2018 bedraagt ca. 66.000 (https:// www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/nieuws/2019/04/bijna-66-duizend-nieuwbouwwoningenin-2018#id=undefined). Om transformatie verder de te versnellen is in 2018 de Financieringsfaciliteit Binnenstedelijke Transformatie operationeel gemaakt, waarvoor in totaal € 38 mln...


Overige Kamerstukken

F-35 AIRCRAFT Sustainment: DOD Needs to Address Challenges Affecting Readiness and Cost Transparency

are 6 years behind schedule, which has resulted in average part repair times of 172 day—stwice that of the program’s objective. Spare parts shortages Spare parts shortages are degrading readiness. From January through August 7, 2017...


Overige Kamerstukken

Raadsagenda deel 1

Space Policy a) Preparation of the Sixth "Space Council" (before the "Space Council") b) Formal adoption of orientations on the Launching of the GMES Programme and (poss.) an as-yet undefined act containing a Road Map for...


Overige Kamerstukken

Updated verification report Google Workspace Enterprise. Verification of agreed remediation measures

splelling" suggestion: "spelling" misspelling_start: 50 misspelling_end: 58 underlines_count: 0 suggestion_type: UNDEFINED_SUGGESTION_TYPE suggestion_tag: SPELLING affected_underlines_count: 1 underline_count_by_source_and_tag { tag: SPELLING underline_count: 0 affected_underline_count: 1 } suggestion_model: UNDEFINED misspelling_fingerprint { context_simhash:


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Rapport Inspectie Jeugdzorg over Jeugdformaat/Jutters Combinatie

Toelichting is hiervan slechts sprake als zich incidenten voordoen die niet in het hulpverleningsplan zijn voorzien of als een jeugdige net is geplaatst en er nog geen hulpverleningsplan is vastgesteld. Volgens artikel 29t kan in zo’n...


Overige Kamerstukken

Final report: The implementation of the Water Framework Directive

and ensures a certain benchmark appears to be necessary. On the other hand, flexibility is important so that regional stakeholders can shape the projects to the area-specific characteristics and can develop a sense of ownership (e.g...


Overige Kamerstukken

Comparing countries on public performance

appear difficult to classify. The Netherlands is one of these notable exceptions, having been classified as Nordic (Powell and Barrientos 2004; Bambra 2006; Scruggs and Allan 2006), Continental (Kangas 1994; Obinger and Wagschal 1998; Saint-Arnaud and...


Overige Kamerstukken

Voorlopige beoordeling RRF betaalverzoek België

nl/decreet_n2022015510.html. v) Code of Conduct on spending reviews of 15 March 2022 (BE 51 28 October 2022”), available at: https://codex.vlaanderen.be/PrintDocument.ashx?id=1037710&datum=&geannoteerd=und efined&print=undefined vii) Report to the Flemish Government on Article 6 of the Flemish Government Decision...


Overige Kamerstukken

Rapportage Indringend Ketentesten (IKT) Fase 7

van werkingsgebieden in de documentgerichte viewer ‘Naam onbekend’ getoond.B ij één publicatie was de citeertitel niet meegenomen in de publicatie en werd deze in de lijst met documenten als ‘undefined’ getoond.O verigens is bij...


Overige Kamerstukken

DPIA on government Facebook Pages

only processes some of these observed data as analytics for the Page admin. It is plausible that the government organisation is in fact also a joint controller with Facebook for the invisible and undefined processing of...


Overige Kamerstukken

Child abuse in institutions in Europe

abuses on children in the Roman Catholic Church, cases of child abuse in Germany are most frequently detected in connection with church institutions, such as the church itself with 44% (29% Catholic, 11% Lutheran, 4% undefined...
