Zoekresultaten (873)
U zoekt op ‘romania’
EU-voorstel: Mededeling “Versterking van de rechtsstaat door meer bewustmaking, jaarlijkse toetsing en doeltreffender handhaving” COM (2019) 343
call on the Council of Europe and its bodies to assess specific issues in Member States could also need further reflection. 52 The Cooperation and Verification Mechanism was set up as a transitional measure for the...
EU-voorstel: Richtlijn transparantie belangenvertegenwoordiging namens derde landen COM (2023) 637 (Engelstalige versie)
the framework of existing European and international standards. Since 2022, the Commission has been making recommendations to Member States in the context of the Rule of Law Reports, including on aspects relevant to interest representation. For...
Public Consultation on the Circular Economy
O Austria 0 Belgium 0 Bulgaria 0 Croatia 0 Cyprus 0 Czech Republic 0 Denmark 0 Estonia 0 Finland 0 France 0 Germany 0 Greece 0 Hungary EI lceland EI Ireland 0 italy EI Latvia 0...
Selected treaty-based arbitrations by Dutch investors
arising out of expropriations of claimants' farms in Zimbabwe Direct expropriation of land Netherlands-Zimbabwe BIT 15 12 2 - in favour of investor Investors left the country. They have so far been unsuccessful in trying to...
Monitor Netwerkkwaliteit en Staatsgaranties
Monitor Netwerkkwaliteit en Staatsgaranties. Apt Romania 60 45 60 45 - OVB Novosibirsk Russian Federation 150 90 150 150 - PEK Beijing Capital Intl Apt China 120 50 120 60 - PER Perth Australia 90 30...
Rapport Turkije
This report describes the measures taken by Turkey to address the deficiencies identified in the MER. Turkey signed memoranda of understanding on exchange of information with five more countries (Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia...
Statement by Lilianne Ploumen Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, representing the constituency comprising Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Romania and Ukraine Introduction 1. The...
Verslag van een rondetafelgesprek, gehouden op 21 juni 2018, over herindeling van het luchtruim
will have to take over all the tasks of Istanbul TMA, because they have to handle all the arrivals to and departures from the new Istanbul Airport. Because of the connectivity of the new airport, routes...
COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on concrete ways to reinforce the fight against tax fraud and tax evasion including in relation to third countries
GDP, gives a first indication of the extent of the problem. Figure 1: Estimate of the size of the shadow economy in 2011 (% of GDP)2 32,3 29,6 29,0 28,6 26,5 26,0 25,8 25,0 24,3 24,1...
Evaluatie openingstijden
Hellenic Republic, Kingdom of Spain, French Republic, Italian Republic, Republic of Cyprus, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Republic of Hungary, Republic of Malta, Kingdom ofthe Netherlands, Republic of Austria, Republic of...
Afschrift van de brief aan de Europese Commissie over de tijdelijke invoering van het grenstoezicht aan de Schengenbinnengrens in verband met de Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in Den Haag
1), China (2), Dorninican Republic (1), Eritrea (4), France (5). Ghana (2), Guinea (1), India (2), Iraq (1), Iran (3), Israel (1), ivory Coast (1), Japan (1), Cape Verde (1), Kazakhstan (1), Kuwait (1), Latvia (1)...
Artikel NJECL 'Mutaul Recognition and Individual Rights', 2016
10. 7 LM, para. 73. 8 Id. at para. 92. 9 Id. at para. 95-97. 10 Id. at para 98. 11 ECtHR of 10 March 2015, Application Nos: 14097/12, 45135/12, 73712/12, 34001/13, 44055/13 and 64586/13, Varga...
communications. The country fulfils all the commitments foreseen under the first stage of implementation of Title V (Movement of workers, establishment, supply of services, capital) of the SAA. A Protocol to the SAA to take account...
Statement by the North Atlantic Council celebrating the enlargement anniversaries
Council today celebrates the anniversaries of the latest three rounds of NATO enlargement: the fifteenth anniversary of the accession of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland; the tenth anniversary of the accession of Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia...
Tabellen. 9 35,0 34,5 34,1 33,7 35,0 35,1 35,1 35,1 34,2 33,8 33,5 34,5 0,0 21 51 513 Poland 42,4 42,3 42,4 42,0 42,6 41,5 44,3 43,9 41,0 40,7 40,7 40,2 40,5 -1,8 11 57 659...