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PNN Monitor International Scholarship PhD Candidates

on their PhD. Once they had become the vast majority said they would have preferred an employed position. 3.The position of ISPCs is unclear. They are neither student nor employee. The undefined position of ISPCs affects...


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Netherlands’ National Fukushima Stress Test

room and the (backup) Emergency Response Centre, for the sake of emergency preparedness. The existing alarm procedure should be extended with a straightforward decision model for the above mentioned points and additional necessary actions. For example...


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Onderzoek “The Impact of Investor-State-Dispute Settlement in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership”

Protection and ISDS in TTIP Study Tietje and Baetens (2014) 60 investment.”162 Although the above analysis review only a handful of cases interpreting substantive protections in investment agreements, it demonstrates a trend among tribunals to consider...


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IOB Evaluation Between Prospects and Precarity. An evaluation of Dutch assistance to refugee reception in the Syria region (2016-2021)

the new policies and programmes that have been designed are actually achieving this link, and whether they are the appropriate modality for doing so. The report also states that ‘the very concept of the nexus remains...
