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Online Discoverability and Vulnerabilities of ICS/SCADA Devices in the Netherlands

Online Discoverability and Vulnerabilities of ICS/SCADA Devices in the Netherlands. AS name AS number count percent 1 KPN AS1136 160 16.18% 2 undefined AS9143 142 14.36% 3 PT AS8737 109 11.02% 4 VFNL AS15480 80 8.09%...


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Jaarverslag Europese Investeringsbank 2018

maturity date are classified under "Maturity undefined". EIB STATUTORY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 69 2018 FINANCIAL REPORT Liquidity risk (in EUR million) Maturity at 31 December 2018 3 months or less More than 3 months to 1...


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about 500 utilities in the local communities is outstanding. Their restructuring and reorganisation has not yet begun and the strategy for privatising them remains undefined. Overall, limited progress was made in finalising the privatisation process...


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TNO-rapport'Investigation into a Periodic Technical Inspection test method to check for presence and proper functioning of Diesel Particulate Filters in light-duty diesel vehicles'

detailed research in this project it must be stated that the current PTI test procedure is not very accurate and can be manipulated. This is mainly caused by the poor definition of the execution of the...


Overige Kamerstukken

Standards in the Digital Single Market

Standards in the Digital Single Market. -5G 5G is still very undefined. It is not a field in which the NL government nor the EC should initiate standardisation related activities. Important is to have spectrum...


Overige Kamerstukken

Evaluation of Schokland and Millennium Agreements 2008-2013

of subsidy spent 100% Target area 10 countries: Benin, Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Nicaragua, South Africa, Sudan, Surinam, Tanzania, Uganda Partners Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), VNG International (VNG-I), Nicis, CREM (4 in total) Lead partner VNG...


Overige Kamerstukken

Onderzoek werkgelegenheidseffect van het wetsvoorstel verbod op kolen voor de elektriciteitsproductie

in lichters. Figuur 4: Invoer, verbruik en uitvoer van kolen in Nederland Bron: https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/nieuws/2018/24/daling-kolenoverslag-in-nederlandse-zeehavens-zet-door#id=undefined; (Het verschil tussen de totale aanvoer van kolen via zee en de som van de uitgaande stroom en het binnenlands...


Overige Kamerstukken

Verruiming van de aangifteplicht voor ernstige seksuele misdrijven?

18/beleidsinformatie-veilig-thuis-2e-halfjaar-2018. 321    CBS 2019b CBS, Politie registreert meer zedenmisdrijven, 8 februari 2019, beschikbaar op: https://www.cbs.nl/nlnl/nieuws/2019/06/politie-registreert-meer-zedenmisdrijven#id=undefined. Claeys 2014 S. Claeys, Ambtelijke aangifte, Gent: Universiteit Gent 2014 (masterscriptie), beschikbaar op:


Overige Kamerstukken

Vijfde voortgangsrapportage Europese Commissie

of the annuity discount rate from 7.55 percent to 5 percent which will be done in a manner ensuring legal certainty and will yield saving of EUR 165 million EUR up to 2020. Negotiations concerning the...


Overige Kamerstukken

Publicatie 'The Isolated Chicken Eye test to replace the Draize test in rabbits. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 85 (2017) 132-149.' van .M.K. Prinsen, C.F.M. Hendriksen, C.A.M. Krul, R.A. Woutersen

of one eye treated in the conjunctival sac Degree of severity for each endpoint separately and classification on the basis of the most affected tissue (degree and/or persistency) - simple set-up - simple performance - rabbits...


Overige Kamerstukken

endstream endobj 41787 0 obj endstream endobj 41789...

en Transport endstream endobj 131 0 obj 79.1b65a79, 2022 .09.2222" xmp:MetadataDate ="2021-07-20T15 :11:13 ="-0.90" drone-dji:FlightYawDegree =" ="0" drone-dji:GimbalReverse ="0" drone-dji:SelfData ="Undefined" drone-dji:CalibratedFocalLength ="3636.363770" drone-dji:CalibratedOpticalCenterX ="2640.000000" drone-dji:CalibratedOpticalCenterY ="1978.000000"


Overige Kamerstukken

Position paper C. Ecke t.b.v. hoorzitting/rondetafelgesprek Persoonsgerichte sancties op mensenrechtenschendingen d.d. 25 november 2020

Delisting criteria - periodical review; limitation clauses; and the unlikely case of a change of behaviour? Open source information - must be made available to court and those listed; reliability? Evidentiary threshold - remains undefined by...


Overige Kamerstukken

Rapport ‘LGBT military personnel, a Strategic Vision for inclusion’

due to the specific groups referred to and the cultural specificity of their experiences. Other groups acknowledged include, but are not limited to: · asexual people · intersex people · people of undefined sexual orientation or...


Overige Kamerstukken

Preliminary Structural Upgrading Strategy for Groningen

ISSUE 5.DOCX Page 9 2.3 Knowledge management and learning The studies and implementation pilots are to learn how to undertake large scale implementation in an effective and timely manner. As the problem and the context are...


Overige Kamerstukken


in the information systems during recent years may be a challenge for the preservation of historical and technical information on nuclear installations. The KFD has undertaken the development of assessment guides but the completion date is...
