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U zoekt op ‘romania’

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Openbare consultatie Europese Commissie inzake Fitness Check for the Construction Sector

indicate the principal country of establishment of the public authority you work for / answer on behalf of Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus * * * 2 Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Denmark Estonia Greece Spain Finland France...


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Budapest-Vienna Declaration on the European Higher Education Area

the synergies with the European Research Area, Europe will be able to successfully face the challenges of the next decade. 13. Our next Ministerial Meeting to take stock of progress and to drive the Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve agenda...


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Evaluatie Nota Frequentiebeleid 2005

en Agentschap Telecom (2015). Research into the License Exempt Spectrum of the Netherlands. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Germany Latvia Estonia Sweden Lithuania Poland Portugal Finland Slovakia Ireland Spain Austria Belgium Greece United Kingdom...


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Rapport "Migratie naar en vanuit Nederland

on the number and type of admitted labour migrants has been limited to labour migrants from outside the EU and from EU countries for which a transitional arrangement is still in effect (Bulgaria and Romania)...


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Artikel "Age and Reemployment Success After Job Loss: An Integrative Model and Meta-Analysis" in Psychological Bulletin, mei 2015

86, 837–855. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1037/0021-9010.86.5.837 ?Kavkler, A., Danacia, D., Babucea, A. G., Bicanic, I., Bohm, B., Tevdovski, D., Tosevska, K., & Borsic, D. (2009). Cox regression models for unemployment duration in Romania, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and...



Het bericht 'Romanian PM clashes with Commission over rule of law'

dat komend weekend in Roemenië plaatsvindt om de definitie van «echtpaar» in de Grondwet te veranderen in een «huwelijk van een man en een vrouw»? Vraag 5 Deelt u de zorgen van de LGBT-gemeenschap in Roemenië...


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Europese overzichtstabellen voor herplaatsing en hervestiging

relocation scheme Member States 53 54 Key Austria 2,62% Belgium 2,91% Bulgaria 1,25% Croatia 1,73% Cyprus 0,39% Czech Republic 2,98% Estonia 1,76% Finland 1,72% France 14,17% Germany 18,42% Greece 1,90% Hungary 1,79% Italy 11,84% Latvia 1,21%...


Overige Kamerstukken

Verkenning Poolse, Bulgaarse en Roemeense kinderen in Nederland: een verkenning van hun leefsituatie

no one to play with. Mobility impedes participation in Dutch society The travel and relocation patterns of labour migrants from Central and Eastern Europe sets them apart from other migrant groups in the Netherlands. Their country...


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Legislative processes in transition

were used in combination with each of the 27 countries’ designation. On the basis of the initial scan, the team decided to drop Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain...


Brieven regering

Geannoteerde agenda t.b.v. de Eurogroep en Ecofinraad van 4 en 5 december in Brussel

the existence of an excessive deficit in the United Kingdom (https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/economyfinance/com-2017-801-en.pdf) 2. Commission recommendation for a Council decision establishing that no effective action has been taken by Romania in response to the Council Recommendation of 16...


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issues relating to the fragmentation of telecommunications systems, databases, computer-based investigation, criminal analysis systems and forensics are not addressed by the police reform laws. Police cooperation agreements with Bulgaria, Montenegro and Romania were ratified in February...


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Verslag van rapporteur Cegerek over een werkbezoek aan Brussel op 6 februari 2017

tightening this to 5%, albeit with a possible five-year extension, under certain conditions, for member states which landfilled more than 65% of their municipal waste in 2013. EU countries such as Cyprus, Croatia, Greece, Latvia, Malta...


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Assessing the EC ILUC proposal. Dutch National Impact Assessment

straw and 50% of rapeseed straw is left on the land for soil regeneration purposes. The five Member States with the largest straw production are France, Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and Romania. Straw...


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Public consultation on the 'Proposal to introduce a services passport and address regulatory barriers in the construction and business services sectors'

companies): Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Country from the EEA...


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EU-voorstel: Intentiebrief van de Europese Commissie voor het Werkprogramma 2018 (Engelstalige versie)

targeted measures ta to returns; the further promotion of legal pathwa resettlement commitments; a reformed common vis solidarity towards those Member States confrontet - A package for strengthening the Schengen free travel area, including a proposal...
