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Overige Kamerstukken

(United Kingdom) The Rt. Hon. John BERCOW (EN): Letter of Announcement: Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Presidency of the Netherlands

Parliament, will take place in Brussels. The invitations to and programmes of the various meetings will be sent in due time. As a leading principle for our parliamentary presidency we have chosen the mott‘wo: orking together...


Overige Kamerstukken

Uitnodiging COSAC Voorzittersconferentie op maandag 8 februari 2016 en COSAC Plenair op maandag 13 juni

controle op de lopende Raadsagenda's en het nieuwe Commissiewerkprogramma" die tussen 11.45 en 13.00 uur op de agenda staat. Graag nodigen wij u uit om op 8 februari tijdens bovengenoemde sessie de prioriteiten van het Nederlandse...


Overige Kamerstukken

(Germany) Prime Minister Mr. Stanislaw Tillich (FA): Letter of Announcement: Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Presidency of the Netherlands

les programmes de ces différentes réunions seront envoyés en temps opportun. Nous avons choisi de placer notre présidence parlementaire sous la devise suivant« e tr: availler ensemble à augmenter l’engagement parlementaire dans le processus décisionnel européen...


Overige Kamerstukken

(Spain) Sr. D. Jesús Posada Moreno (FA): Letter of Announcement: Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Presidency of the Netherlands

de ces différentes réunions seront envoyés en temps opportun. Nous avons choisi de placer notre présidence parlementaire sous la devise suivant« e tr: availler ensemble à augmenter l’engagement parlementaire dans le processus décisionnel européen . »Afin...


Overige Kamerstukken

Bedankbrief de heer Pieter van Dijk

Geachte heer Van Dijk, Graag willen wij u heel hartelijk danken voor uw bijdrage aan de sessie over rechtsstatelijkheid op maandag 13 juni 2016 tijdens de bijeenkomst van de LV COSAC in Den Haag. Uw bereidheid...


Overige Kamerstukken

(Italy) Mr. Pietro Grasso (EN): Letter of Announcement: Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Presidency of the Netherlands

take place in Brussels. The invitations to and programmes of the various meetings will be sent in due time. As a leading principle for our parliamentary presidency we have chosen the mott‘wo: orking together to increase...


Overige Kamerstukken

(Greece) Mr. Nikos Voutsis (EN): Letter of Announcement: Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Presidency of the Netherlands

take place in Brussels. The invitations to and programmes of the various meetings will be sent in due time. As a leading principle for our parliamentary presidency we have chosen the mott‘wo: orking together to increase...


Overige Kamerstukken

(Ireland) Senator Paddy Burke (FA): Letter of Announcement: Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Presidency of the Netherlands

réunions seront envoyés en temps opportun. Nous avons choisi de placer notre présidence parlementaire sous la devise suivant« e tr: availler ensemble à augmenter l’engagement parlementaire dans le processus décisionnel européen . »Afin de promouvoir un...


Overige Kamerstukken

Bedankbrief Alex Brenninkmeijer, Lid van de Europese Rekenkamer

op dinsdag 14 juni 2016 tijdens de bijeenkomst van de LV COSAC in Den Haag. Uw bereidheid na uw presentatie samen met de heer Itälä deel te nemen aan een paneldiscussie en een debat met de...


Overige Kamerstukken

(Switzerland) Mrs. Christa Markwalder (EN): Letter of Announcement: Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Presidency of the Netherlands

presidency we have chosen the motto: ‘working together to increase parliamentary engagement in the EU decision-making process’. In order to promote a lively debate, fruitful exchange of ideas and sharing of best practices during the...


Overige Kamerstukken

(Turkey) Mr. Ismail KAHRAMAN (EN): Letter of Announcement: Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Presidency of the Netherlands

take place in Brussels. The invitations to and programmes of the various meetings will be sent in due time. As a leading principle for our parliamentary presidency we have chosen the mott‘wo: orking together to increase...


Overige Kamerstukken

5. Practical info COSAC EN

invitees Grey: observers Purple: interpreters For security reasons, all participants are requested to wear their identification badge at all times during the event. If you lose your badge, please contact the host country information desk immediately...


Overige Kamerstukken

(Italy) Mrs. Laura Boldrini (EN): Letter of Announcement: Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Presidency of the Netherlands

will take place in Brussels. The invitations to and programmes of the various meetings will be sent in due time. As a leading principle for our parliamentary presidency we have chosen the mott‘wo: orking together to...


Overige Kamerstukken

(Malta) Hon Angelo Farrugia (EN): Letter of Announcement: Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Presidency of the Netherlands

take place in Brussels. The invitations to and programmes of the various meetings will be sent in due time. As a leading principle for our parliamentary presidency we have chosen the mott‘wo: orking together to increase...


Overige Kamerstukken

(Slovenia) Dr Milan BRGLEZ (EN): Letter of Announcement: Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Presidency of the Netherlands

take place in Brussels. The invitations to and programmes of the various meetings will be sent in due time. As a leading principle for our parliamentary presidency we have chosen the mott‘wo: orking together to increase...
