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cv commissaris-generaal UNRWA

cv commissaris-generaal UNRWA. About UNRWA UNRWA is a United Nations agency established by the General Assembly in 1949 and is mandated to provide assistance and protection to a population of some 5 million registered Palestine refugees...


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Voorstel tot oprichting Europese vredesfaciliteit

Voorstel tot oprichting Europese vredesfaciliteit. 9736/18 MP/aa DGC 1C NL Raad van de Europese Unie Brussel, 13 juni 2018 (OR. en) 9736/18 CORLX 302 CFSP/PESC 519 CADREFIN 73 POLGEN 75 FIN 438 COAFR 146 ACP 45...


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cv Anat Berko

cv Anat Berko. MK Dr. Lt. Col. (Ret.) Anat Berko Dr. Anat Berko is a world-renowned expert on terrorism whose research focuses on suicide bombers and their handlers. She conducted research for Isracounterl’s terrorism team and...


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cv Michal Rozin

cv Michal Rozin. MK Michal Rozin Michal Rozin is a member of Knesset for Meretz party since 2013. In the current 20th Knesset Michal Rozin serves as a member of the Constitution, Law and Justice committee...


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cv Omer Bar Lev

cv Omer Bar Lev. MK Omer Barlev Bio (2018) MK Omer Barlev was first elected to the 19th Knesset on February 2013 as a member of the Israeli Labor Party and was reelected to the 20th...


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cv Avi Dichter

cv Avi Dichter. MK Avi Dicter Mr. Avi Dicter is a member of the Knesset from the Likud party. He is currently the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. MK Dicter is former Minister...


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rapport MSA terrorists in suits

rapport MSA terrorists in suits. לארשי תנידמ ה דרשמ םייגטרטסא םיאשונל State of Israel Ministry of Strategic Affairs TERRORISTS IN SUITS The Ties Between NGOs promoting BDS and Terrorist Organizations Report No. 1: How terrorists came...


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bijlage kennisagenda 2019 Buza

bijlage kennisagenda 2019 Buza. Jaarplanning voor de Kennisagenda 2019, commissie voor Buitenlandse Zaken Nr. Onderwerp Toelichting / Voorbereidingsgroep Tijdspad / Stand van zaken 1. Vervolging en berechting van ISIS-strijders Onderzoek(-sactiviteiten) naar de wijze waarop in internationaal...


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William Hill (Wilson Center Washington) inzake verhoudingen met Rusland

William Hill (Wilson Center Washington) inzake verhoudingen met Rusland. William H. Hill Expertise : Europe Russia and Eurasia Affiliation : Former Professor of National Security Strategy, National War College, Washington D.C. Wilson Center Projects : "Post-Cold War Euro-Atlantic Security...
