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artikel daliysabah inzake arrestatie turkse militairen

artikel daliysabah inzake arrestatie turkse militairen. IJAILY SABAH ‘ POLITICS Turkish military officers who stopped MÎT trucks referred to court for arrest The mflitary officers, who raided MÏT trucks en route to Syria to carry supplies...


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cv minister Buitenlandse Zaken van Oekraïne heer Klimkin

cv minister Buitenlandse Zaken van Oekraïne heer Klimkin. Mr. Pavlo Klimkin - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Mr. Pavlo Klimkin was born on 25 December 1967 in Kursk 1991 - graduated from Moscow Institute of...


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Verzoek reactie berichtgevingen media evacuatie Nederlanders uit Jemen

Verzoek reactie berichtgevingen media evacuatie Nederlanders uit Jemen. Nederlanders nog niet weg uit Jemen DINSDAG, 21:20 BINNENLAND, BUITENLAND, POLITIEK Een Indiaas marineschip haalt burgers op in de Jemenitische havenstad Hodeida EPA Zeventien Nederlanders die nog in...


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informatie Zweedse delegatie

informatie Zweedse delegatie. Produktion: Riksdagens informationsenhet. Omslagsfoto: Melker Dahlstrand. Tryck: Riksdagstryckeriet 2015. The Swedish Parliament • Postal address: Sveriges riksdag, SE-100 12 Stockholm Telephone: +46 8 786 40 00 • Website: www.riksdagen.se Committee on Foreign Affairs...


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cv VN Speciaal Gezant Sahel, mw Seliassie

cv VN Speciaal Gezant Sahel, mw Seliassie. Ms. Hiroute Guebre Sellassie Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for the Sahel and Head of Office Ms. Hiroute Guebre Sellassie was appointed as Special Envoy of the...


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cv mr Perera Onderminister Sri Lanka

cv mr Perera Onderminister Sri Lanka. Ajith P Perera, MP Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sri Lanka Ajith P Perera, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in Sri Lanka, commenced his political career as a member of...


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Verzoek afschrift reactie minister op Amnesty rapport 'Guilty of defending rights, Azerbaijan’s human rights defenders and activists behind bars'

Verzoek afschrift reactie minister op Amnesty rapport 'Guilty of defending rights, Azerbaijan’s human rights defenders and activists behind bars'. GUILTY OF DEFENDING RIGHTS AZERBAIJHUMAN ’S RIGHTS DEFENDERS AND ACTIVISTS BEHIND BARS Amnesty International Publications First published...


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achtergrondinformatie LHBT activisten

achtergrondinformatie LHBT activisten. Information LGBT Activists from Kenya and Jamaica George Gachara, Jim Chuchu, Njoki Ngumi and Maurice Tomlinson have been invited to the Movies That Matter Festival in The Hague to attend screenings of ‘Stories...


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cv Gigi Gigiadze

cv Gigi Gigiadze. CV NAME, SURNAME: Gigi Gigiadze DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: 11 April 1978, Tbilisi LANGUAGES: English; Russian; German EDUCATION: 2001 - Faculty of International Relations, Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 17...


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cv Gocha Lordkipanidze

cv Gocha Lordkipanidze. CV Gocha Lordkipanidze EDUCATION Fordham Law School, New York, NY S.J.D. Candidate (expected May 2014) and Doctoral Fellow (2011-present) Dissertation: “Subsequent Conduct of International Organizations: Theory and Practice” Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA...


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cv Shalva Kvinikhidze

cv Shalva Kvinikhidze. CV Dr. SHALVA KVINIKHIDZE Director of the International Relations Department Date and Place of Birth: February 2, 1974, Tbilisi. Education: 1991-1996 - Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, faculty of International Law and International...


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artikel in New York Times inzake vermeende samenwerking politie Kunduz en Taliban

artikel in New York Times inzake vermeende samenwerking politie Kunduz en Taliban. Police Force in Afghanistan Is Studied for Ties to Taliban By JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN FEB. 8, 2015 KABUL, Afghanistan — When Mullah Mujahid, a Taliban...


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cv David Dondua

cv David Dondua. David Dondua First Deputy State Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration david.dondua@eu-nato.gov.ge Date of Birth: 12.07.1959 tbilisi family status: wife and a daughter David Dondua was appointed as a First Deputy State Minister...


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Samenstelling Egyptische delegatie

Samenstelling Egyptische delegatie. 18 april 2014 Betreft: Bezoek tweede kamer op woensdag 23 april 2014 om 10:00 – 11:00 De Egyptische delegatie wordt gevormd door: ? Dr. Yahya Hamid: (Ex-)minister van investeringen en presidentieel adviseur van...


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informatie over het rapport 'The UNICEF Report - One year on' van Military Court Watch

informatie over het rapport 'The UNICEF Report - One year on' van Military Court Watch. lilitary Court Watch http://www.mi1itarycourtwatch.or/oae n1’’ bcDouwa29O... [!‘j Military Court Watch Monitorhig Hee treatewat of eblidren In lsraeli military detenhon Home 1...
