Gesprek : Delegatie Moldavie

De vergadering is geannuleerd

28 juni 2024
11:00 - 12:00 uur
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    Verzoek Ambassade van de Republiek Moldavië, namens parlementaire delegatie uit Moldavië, om gesprek over EU-integratieproces en bilaterale agenda d.d. 28 juni 2024

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    Samenstelling delegatie Moldavië

    • Mr. Mihai Popsoi, Deputy Prime-Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs;
    • Mr. Dumitru Alaiba, Deputy Prime-Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization of the Republic of Moldova;
    • Mr. Sergiu Prodan, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Moldova;
    • Ms. Alexandra Sian, State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of Moldova;
    • Mr. Veaceslav Dobînda, Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to the Netherlands;
    • Ms. Natalia Vremea, counsellor, Moldovan Embassy to the Netherlands;
    • Ms. Irina Drucec, First Secretary, Moldovan Embassy to the Netherlands;
    • Mr. Boris Cremene, Adviser, Ministry of Culture;
    • Ion Mihalachi, Adviser, Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization;