Gesprek : Gesprek VWS Saba

De vergadering is geweest

7 juni 2023
11:30 - 12:30 uur
Locatie: Suze Groenewegzaal
Commissie: Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport
De leden Smals (commissievoorzitter), Bevers, van den Berg en Paulusma zijn bereid gevonden om dit besloten gesprek namens de commissie van VWS te gaan voeren.



  • J.A.M.J. van den Berg (CDA)
  • H. Bevers (VVD)
  • W. Paulusma (D66)
  • Voorzitter
    B.M.G. Smals (VVD)


  1. 1

    De volgende onderwerpen zullen worden besproken:

    1. The referral system. Since there are no specialists on island nor advanced medical equipment for specialist to run tests, patients have to be referred off island for example to Sint Maarten, Aruba, Curacao, Columbia or the Netherlands, to bigger hospitals to receive this treatment. The way this is done is the house Dr. send the request for a referral to the “head Office” in Bonaire. It goes through a screening process and approved or denied. This is a long process which causes a lot of stress on patients and even deteriorated medical conditions.
    2. Handling of complaints. There is no clarity about the complaints process. Sometimes complaints are about different organizations and when clients submit they are left frustrated because there is no response or it may have been submitted to the wrong organization. There needs to be a centralized complaints office. Additionally because of the size of the community clients are concerned that by making a complaint it will affect the service because the care provider or relevant agency will immediately know who submitted the complaint.
    3. Transportation/mobility issues. When patients are referred off island a very small aircraft is used to transport them back and forth. It is very difficult for most patients to get into and out of this aircraft. And also causes a lot of additional stress for patients who suffer from claustrophobia.