Gesprek : VS delegatie Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT)

De vergadering is geweest

15 juni 2016
12:30 - 13:30 uur
Locatie: Aletta Jacobszaal
Commissie: Defensie
Voertaal is Engels



  • Voorzitter
    J.H. ten Broeke (VVD)
  • R. Vuijk (VVD)
  • M. Servaes (PvdA)
  • R.W. Knops (CDA)
  • R. de Roon (PVV)
  • J. Houwers (Houwers)


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    Gesprek met Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, mw. R. Gottemoeller. Zij is ook leider van de VS delegatie Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT). Gespreksonderwerpen zijn:

    • The Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT)
    • Preparations for the Warsaw Summit (NATO vision of 21st century deterrence and defense, Holding States accountable for meeting their international obligations and commitments, , demonstrating Alliance unity in addressing challenges).
    • Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and occupation and attempted annexation of Crimea.
    • The European Reassurance Initiative
    • Implementation of the New START Treaty
    • Status of the European Security Architecture (CFE, INF, BMD)
    • Open-Ended Working Group/Nuclear Weapons Ban
    • U.S. Record on and Commitment to Nuclear Disarmament
    • Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons Transparency Issues
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    Deelnemers aan het gesprek zijn:

    • Under Secretary Rose Gottemoeller
    • Peter Crail - Special Assistant


    CFE = ‎Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe
    INF = Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
    BMD = Ballistic Missile Defense
    ISN = Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
    WMDT = Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism