Bijzondere procedure : Commission of the Research of the Family Unity of Turkish Grand National Assembly over kwesties met betrekking tot familie.

De vergadering is geweest

5 april 2016
16:30 - 17:30 uur
Locatie: Troelstrazaal
Commissie: Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport
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  • M.C.G. Keijzer (CDA)


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    Het lid Keijzer nodigt u van harte uit in het kader van een bijzondere procedure voor een gesprek met the Commission of the Research of the Family Unity of Turkish Grand National Assembly over kwesties met betrekking tot familie. (Tolkvertaling Nederlands-Turks aanwezig).

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    Mogelijke bespreekpunten opgesteld door de delegatie:

    1. How does the Dutch Parliament supervise/monitor policies regarding social services? Is the Dutch Parliament active in this supervision/monitoring?
    2. What sort of responsibilities does a parliamentarian and relevant Parliament Commission have in terms of social services and aid provided to a citizen/expat?
    3. At what legislation (constitution, act, directives etc.) level Social services and family matters are covered in the Netherlands?
    4. How many pieces of legislation are there on social services and family matters?
    5. What does the law making process on family matters run? How do you gauge the need for a new piece of legislation in this field?
    6. What sort of work do you carry out for family in the Parliament? What are your policies toward family with a view to create young and qualified human resources?
    7. What is the rationale of your social services and social aids? How do you define those in your legislation?
    8. What is the ratio of expenditures on social services and social aids to country’s budget and GDP?
    9. What are your practices for visa, residence permit and marriages with foreigners, that may threaten the family unity?
    Please note that the subject matters for discussion is not limited to the abovementioned points.