Bijzondere procedure : Ontvangst Speaker Iraaks-Koerdisch parlement, Yousif Mohammad Sadiq

De vergadering is geweest

8 december 2015
16:00 - 17:00 uur
Locatie: Thorbeckezaal
Commissie: Buitenlandse Zaken



  • J.S. Voordewind (ChristenUnie)
  • H. van Bommel (SP)
  • M. Servaes (PvdA)


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    Het lid Voordewind ontvangt in het kader van de bijzondere procedure de Voorzitter van het Iraaks-Koerdische parlement, Yousif Muhammed Sadiq

    De delegatie bestaat uit:
    Yousif Mohammad Sadiq,  Speaker Iraaks-Koerdisch parlement
    Sardar Aziz PhD, senior advisor
    Borhanedin Ababekr Yassin PhD, senior advisor
    Heamen Amiri, assistant
    Kamaran Sobhan, Media

    C.V. van de Speaker:
    Yousif Muhammed Sadiq (Born in 1978) Speaker of Parliament of Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Mr. Sadiq is considered is as the youngest person to become speaker of a parliament in the history of Kurdistan as well as Middle East. Mr. Sadiq is from a middle class family who used to be a bodyguard as a part time job during his life as a student at University of Salahuddin, Erbil, Iraq. Yousif was chosen as the speaker of Kurdistan Parliament on April 28, 2014 as Gorran (Change) Movement candidate. He has got 84 votes out of 111. Education: He has got bachelor in political science at Unversity of Salahuddin, Erbil in 2002. He has pursued master in International Politics at University of Nahraeen in 2007. He is studying doctoral in Politics and currently writing his thesis about “Key Elements about the Future of Politics of Kurdistan Region.” Civil Society: Yousif was an active member of civil society organizations between 2003 -2010 such as (KIE, DHRD, UNDP, NED, NDI). He was also general coordinator of “Hatakay Movement” from 2007 -2009. Political Life: Yousif Muhammed has joined Gorran Movement as head of Political Research Unit of Gorran Movement from 2010-2013. He was an active member of “committee of Reviewing Draft Constitutions of Kurdistan” in 2008. He was a member of opposition delegations after the February 17 demonstration of 2011 with ruling parties.