Bijzondere procedure : Ontvangst in bijzondere procedure delegatie Wit-Rusland door het lid Ten Broeke

De vergadering is geweest

18 oktober 2013
13:00 - 14:00 uur
Locatie: Troelstrazaal
Commissie: Buitenlandse Zaken



  • J.H. ten Broeke (VVD)
  • M. Servaes (PvdA)


  1. 1

    Het lid Ten Broeke ontvangt in een bijzondere procedure delegatie vertegenwoordigers oppositie Wit-Rusland in verband met recente ontwikkelingen. Het lid Ten Broeke nodigt u uit bij het gesprek aanwezig te zijn.

    1. Uladzimir Neklayeu – former candidate for the president of Belarus in 2010. Brutally beaten and arrested on the day of elections (19.12.2010). He spent in prison couple of months, then court decided that he will be held under home arrest.

    2. Yury Hubarevich, Vice Chairman of the movement “For Freedom”, The Movement for Freedom emerged in 2006 during the mass protests against rigging of the results of the presidential election. Since its inception, the Movement has been headed by Aliaksandr Milinkevich, presidential candidate in 2006, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, winner of the European Parliament's Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. In 2008, the Movement for Freedom was registered as a human rights and educational non-governmental organization after the fourth attempt. However, the authorities refuse to register the regional branches of the organization although these branches have been created in all regions of Belarus.

    3. Andrei Dzmitryeu – Vice chairman of the Tell the Truth movement. Tell the Truth is a leading nationwide organization in present-day Belarus. The organization was founded in 2010. Its current leader is Vladimir Nekliajev. The organization seeks to gain support from the so-called “new majority” (those who support neither the regime nor the political opposition). Tell the Truth’s vision of Belarus is as follows: a modern democratic country of high living standards, civilized working conditions, decent salaries, comfort living and respect for the rights of every citizen of the state.