Bijzondere procedure : Indonesian delegation from DPD (regional representatives)
De vergadering is geweest
10:00 - 11:30 uur
Commissie: Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap
P.J. Duisenberg (VVD)
Het lid Duisenberg ontvangt u graag voor een gesprek met een Indonesische delegatie.
1. Anna Latuconsina - Maluku - Head of the Delegation
2. TGK Abdurrahman BTM - NAD
3. Prof. Dr. Ir. Hj. Darmayanti Lubis - Sumut
4. Drs. Aidil Fitri Syah - Sumsel
5. Hj. Emma Yohana - Sumbar
6. Dra. Hj. Elviana - Jambi
7. H. Habib Hamid Abdullah SH MH - Kalsel
8. Hj. Rachmiyati Jahja Spd - Gorontalo
9. Drs. Alvius Lomban - Sulut
10. Mervin Sadipun Komber - Papua
11. Yudhi Herdiana Yusak - DPD Office
12. Novri Roliansyah - DPD Office
1. Mr. Witjaksono Adji, Minister Counsellor - Political Affairs
2. Mr. Dumas Radiyto, Third Secretary - Political Affairs (alternate only)
3. Mr. Ebed Litaay, Staff - Political Affairs
Visit of the Indonesian delegation from DPD (regional representatives)
In this regard, the delegation would like to be informed on the following items:
- How is the higher educational system regulated.
- Concept of education in the Netherlands - is the academic program being thrusted towards entrepreneurship programs or towards non-entrepreneurship programs?
- How the state allocate the budget to the national education. how much is the percentage given.
- How the government can manage to sustain free education on the basic education / primary level education.