Bijzondere procedure : Indonesian delegation from DPD (regional representatives)

De vergadering is geweest

19 april 2013
10:00 - 11:30 uur
Locatie: Suze Groenewegzaal
Commissie: Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap



  • P.J. Duisenberg (VVD)


  1. 1

    Het lid Duisenberg ontvangt u graag voor een gesprek met een Indonesische delegatie.


    1. Anna Latuconsina - Maluku - Head of the Delegation
    2. TGK Abdurrahman BTM - NAD
    3. Prof. Dr. Ir. Hj. Darmayanti Lubis - Sumut
    4. Drs. Aidil Fitri Syah - Sumsel
    5. Hj. Emma Yohana - Sumbar
    6. Dra. Hj. Elviana - Jambi
    7. H. Habib Hamid Abdullah SH MH - Kalsel
    8. Hj. Rachmiyati Jahja Spd - Gorontalo
    9. Drs. Alvius Lomban - Sulut
    10. Mervin Sadipun Komber - Papua
    11. Yudhi Herdiana Yusak - DPD Office
    12. Novri Roliansyah - DPD Office


    1. Mr. Witjaksono Adji, Minister Counsellor - Political Affairs
    2. Mr. Dumas Radiyto, Third Secretary - Political Affairs (alternate only)
    3. Mr. Ebed Litaay, Staff - Political Affairs

  2. 2

    Visit of the Indonesian delegation from DPD (regional representatives)

    In this regard, the delegation would like to be informed on the following items:

    1. How is the higher educational system regulated.
    2. Concept of education in the Netherlands - is the academic program being thrusted towards entrepreneurship programs or towards non-entrepreneurship programs?
    3. How the state allocate the budget to the national education. how much is the percentage given.
    4. How the government can manage to sustain free education on the basic education / primary level education.