Zoekresultaten (867)
U zoekt op ‘romania’
Beleidsdoorlichting Sport
deze gegevens wel enkele registratiefouten waardoor (kleine) afwijkingen ontstaan met onder andere de gegevens uit het jaarverslag van de Dopingautoriteit. - 500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Aantal dopingcontroles Nationaal programma...
Lijst van 27 ondertekenaars van de verklaring
Czech Republic Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lithuania Malta Mongolia Netherlands Pakistan Poland Portugal Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Serbia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Turkey...
Engelstalig stenografisch verslag van de drie videoconferenties, gehouden op 28 januari 2016, over de ramp met de MH17
there was a safety concern that two competing air traffic services would be active in the same airspace. At that time we saw some airlines deciding to go further south, from Romania and Bulgaria into Turkey...
Regulering van voedingsreclame gericht op kinderen. Een verkenning van beleid in elf Europese landen
deden mee aan de survey: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The former Yugoslav Republic of...
Mondeling statement van minister Ploumen in het Development Committee, Schriftelijk statement van minister Ploumen voor het Development Committee en Communiqué van het Development Committee
of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Representing the constituency of Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Romania and Ukraine 94th Meeting of the Development Committee 8 October 2016...
signs of a credit crunch have appeared over the past couple of years. Sources: IMF staff estimates. 15 US$ Billion Share (Percent) Total 1,637 100.0 Advanced countries 1,366 83.5 Germany 174 10.6 Belgium 152 9.3 UK...
Jaarrapportage 2011 Wet afbreking zwangerschap
www.stats.govt.nz 14 Rapport om svangerskasavbrudd. Folkehelseinstituttet Norway. www.fhi.no 15 Centrul National de Statistica si Informatica in Sanatate Publica., Romania. Informatii_cnsisp@insp.gov.ro 16 Abortions performed in Scotland, Scottish Health Statistics. www.isdscotland.org 17 Datos Estadísticos. Ministerio de Sanidad...
Savings and Sustainable Investment Union. The Next CMU High-Level Group
Savings and Sustainable Investment Union. The Next CMU High-Level Group. Karel Lannoo and Apostolos Thomadakis, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, June 2019 4 European Commission contribution to the European Council in Sibiu, Romania, 9...
Speech Jerzy Buzek
and the public will no longer believe in Europe and the crisis of confidence will continue. There are also tough decisions we must take at home, in our countries. For the past two weeks, I have...
Voortgangsrapportage Montenegro 2018
of social security systems, development of bilateral agreements on social insurance continued. Montenegro ratified further bilateral agreements with Bulgaria in October 2016 and Slovakia in December 2016. A bilateral agreement on social insurance with Romania is...
Questionnaire on the evaluation and review of the Regulation on the labelling of tyres
5) Pleasey soeulr eccot untry of residence: Austria FinlandLithuania Slovenia Belgium France LuxembourgSpain Bulgaria GermanyMalta Sweden Croatia Greece NetherlandUsnited Kingdom Cyprus HungaryPoland Other (please specify): Czech RepuIbrleilcandPortugal Denmark Italy Romania Estonia Latvia Slovak Republic * 6)...
Reactie over de onafhankelijkheid van het toezicht op de media
place of establishment of the entity you represent? Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Maltese X Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden...
Vergelijking regelgeving lichte elektrische voertuigen tussen EU-lidstaten
characteristics, radius of curvature and maneuverability space. Assimilate motorized bicycles, motorized scooters, devices with electric motor, self‐balancing and self‐propelled and similar ones to bicycles Romania No, nor willing to Spain No. Initial regulatory proposal, to be amended in 2019 Future definiton
Evaluatie Subsidieregeling Innovatieve Scheepsbouw 2007-2012
over de Subsi Scheepsbouw, 19 december 2013. Staatssecretaris van Gennip komt in 2005 al met vrijwel gelijke 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Belgium Czech Republic Ireland Cyprus Lithuania Luxembourg Hungary Austria Portugal Slovenia...
Jaarrapportage 2012 van de Wet afbreking zwangerschap
Health Information Centre, www.lsic.lt/data 13 Induced Abortions and General Abortion Rate. Statistics New Zealand. www.stats.govt.nz 14 Rapport om svangerskasavbrudd. Folkehelseinstituttet Norway. www.fhi.no 15 Centrul National de Statistica si Informatica in Sanatate Publica., Romania. Informatii_cnsisp@insp.gov.ro 16...