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U zoekt op ‘romania’

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Public stakeholder consultation - Interim evaluation

to this consultation. Why a transparency register? Yes No *2. You are from or if you answer on behalf of an organisation, country where it is established Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia...


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Studie van het LEI Wageningen UR 'CAP and EU Trade Policy Reform. Assessing impact on developing countries'

Studie van het LEI Wageningen UR 'CAP and EU Trade Policy Reform. Assessing impact on developing countries'. 1 Jordan 1 Kazakhstan 1 Latvia 1 Lebanon 1 Libya 1 Lithuania 1 Macedonia, FYR 1 Malaysia 1 Maldives...


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Joint Statement

statement in agreement with the EU Heads of Mission as well as the Ambassadors of Norway and Switzerland resident in Colombo. The Ambassadors of the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, the High Commissioner...


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Bijdrage aan consultatie Europese Commissie inzake onderzoek en innovatie spoorwegen horizon 2020

in any EU co-funded rail R&I project(s)?*  Yes No 1.15. If answering as an individual, please provide your place of residence. If answering on behalf of a company/organisation/institution, please provide the country of your workplace.*  Austria Germany...


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Assessement of the Commission of an ESM loan

of its application are met. Further steps to complete the Banking Union could further safeguard financial stability in other euro area countries. Greek banks still have a number of branches and subsidiaries in other countries which...


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Reactie op de consultatie evaluatie Richtlijn alcoholaccijns

the Directive allows Member States to provide an exemption for beer, wine and other fermented beverages. Additionally, reduced rates can be applied to small-scale distillery production of spirits for the domestic consumption of the households of...


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Het Groenboek “naar adequate, houdbare en zekere Europese pensioenstelsels” (Brussel, 7.7.2010 COM(2010)365 definitief).

62.4 62.7 62/62 62/62 Lithuania 58.9 59.9** 62y6m/60 64/63 65/65 Luxembourg 56.8 : 65/65 65/65 Hungary 57.6 : 62/62 64/64 65/65 Malta 57.6 59.8 61/60 63/63 65/65 Netherlands 60.9 63.2 65/65 65/65 (66/66) (67/67) Austria 59.2...


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Netherlands In-Depth Review 2020

and Austria. Net transfer capacityis still used for trading between the CWE and the bordering bidding zones. The Core flow-based market coupling project aims to extend flow-based market coupling to include the biddings zones of Croatia...


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Evaluatie Partners voor Water 3 (2010-2015)

demonstratieproject) minimaal 1 z Spreiding in thema’s z Spreiding in landen z Minstens 1 deltaland. 116 Evaluatie Partners voor Water 3 Subsidieprojecten pvw3 NAAM PROJECTNUMMER AANVANGS DATUM EINDDATUM PENVOERDER 1. Multi-level capacity building flood management Romania...


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EU-voorstel: EU-uitbreidingsstrategie 2015 [COM(2015) 611]

at the high-level conference on the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Balkans route on 8 October in Luxembourg and at a meeting on 25 October on the Western Balkans migration route where leaders from Albania, Austria, Bulgaria...


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State of play in the EU on GM-free food labelling schemes and assessment of the need for possible harmonisation

free. Seventy-eight per cent of Member State respondents (21) to the questionnaire sent out for this study saw no added value to dual labelling, often citing the existing association between the ‘organic’ label and ‘the lowest...


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Globalisation in times of crisis and war: the role of the OECD since the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine

Globalisation in times of crisis and war: the role of the OECD since the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine. In this context, it welcomes the adoption of Accession Roadmaps for candidate countries to OECD membership: Brazil...


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Overzicht Jaarrekeningen, Beschikkingen, Accountantsverklaringen en Controleverklaring subsidievaststelling EZ 2010-2017

show case the work of the consortium and to exchange views with European NGOs ? Project duration is four years to commence after approval of a grant proposal submitted early March 2013. ? Two pilot projects...


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IPCC rapport

Nathan Bindoff, University of Tasmania, Australia William Blakemore, journalist, USA Janos Bogardi, Earth System Science Partnership, Germany Roxanna Bojariu, National Meteorological Administration, Romania Kansri Boonpragob, Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand Edith Borie, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany David...


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cv mevrouw Kinga Göncz

of democracy, negotiation techniques and change management. Within this, Dr. Kinga Göncz worked on the establishment of centres for the prevention and management of social conflicts in Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and in the former Yugoslavia. 1990...
