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U zoekt op ‘romania’

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Annex Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Eighth Periodic Report

10 20 20 20 Austria 0 0 0 <5 Pakistan 20 30 20 10 Palestinian authorities 0 <5 0 0 Panama 0 <5 0 0 Paraguay <5 <5 <5 0 Peru 10 20 10 10 Poland 90 120 170 210 Portugal <5 19 19 19 Puerto Rico 0 <5 0 0 Republic Northern-Macedonia 0 110 110 30 Romania 30 60 70 80 Russia 40 40 20 30 Rwanda 0 <5 <5 <5 Saudi-Arabia <5 <5 <5 <5 Senegal 10 <5 <5 <5 Serbia 90


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Examining the legitimacy and legality President of the Russian Federation

work on the relationship between the limitation of mandates and democracy.13 It points out that limiting the mandate of the president of a country to one mandate with the right to one re-election is standard practice...


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Rapport Port State Control

of the Paris MoU The Paris MoU currently has 6 members with dual or even triple membership: Canada and the Russian Federation with the Tokyo MoU, while the Russian Federation is also a member of the...


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Eindrapport ARTEMIS

Organized by: IAEA ARTEMIS REVIEW TEAM Mr Janez Perko ARTEMIS Team Leader(B elgium) Ms Nancy Greencorn Reviewer (Canada) Mr François Millet Reviewer (France) Mr Ville Koskinen Reviewer (Finland) Mr Thorsten Faß Reviewer (Germany) Ms Alice Dima...


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EU-voorstel: Richtlijn bodemgezondheid COM (2023) 416 (Engelstalige versie)

of the United Nations Convention to combat desertification in countries seriously affected by drought and/or desertification, particularly in Africa (OJ L 83, 19.3.1998, p. 1). 41 Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Romania...


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Rapport Education at a Glance 2009

China, while in other countries it is less than 5% such as in Greece, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Spain and Turkey, and the partner countries Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Jordan, Latvia, Montenegro, Qatar, Romania, the...


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Rapport van Eurofound ‘Active inclusion of young people with disabilities or health problems’

% 16–24 years % 25–29 years % Total % 16–24 years % 25–29 years % EU25 16.2 7.3 9 Luxembourg 11.7 3.3 5.9 Hungary 11.4 1.3 2.3 Belgium 18.4 6.2 10.2 Malta 8.5 2.7 4.4 Czech...


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Verklaring Bert Koenders

Countries Istanbul, 5 October 2009 Statement by Bert Koenders, Minister for Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, representing the constituency comprising Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, the Republic of Macedonia...


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Rapport Commissie onderzoek interlandelijke adoptie

pp. 301-310. Mookherjee, N., ‘Available Motherhood: Legal Technologies, “State of Exception”, and the Dekinning of “War-Babies” in BangladeshC’h, ildhood, 14:3 (2007), pp. 339-354. Moreira Alves, J., ‘A Panorama of Brazilian Civil Law From its Origins to...


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Position paper M. de Wilde t.b.v. hoorzitting/rondetafelgesprek belastingheffing digitale economie d.d. 20 februari 2019

matter high on the political agenda in summer 2017 during its presidency of the Council of the European Union.7 MidSeptember 2017 saw a French-led initiative, comprising France, Germany, Italy and Spain and supported by six other...


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EU-voorstel: Herziening detacheringsrichtlijn COM (2016) 128 (Engelstalige versie)

its reliability; cross-border cooperation between inspection services should be improved; and a study on the extent and impact of bogus self-employment in the context of posting should be promoted. Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia...


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Public consultation on improving cross-border access to electronic evidence in criminal matters

Belgium Bulgaria 0 Croatia 0 Cyprus 2 Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany c: Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania CD Luxembourg C) Malta Netherlands (J Poland CD Portugal Romania CD Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain...


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Statement on Russia’s war on Ukraine and international sport

and Recreation Norway Anette Trettebergstuen, Minister of Culture and Equality Poland Kamil Bortniczuk, Minister of Sport and Tourism Portugal João Paulo Correia, Secretary of State for Youth and Sport Romania Carol-Eduard Novak, Minister of Sports Slovakia...


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Rapport High Tech Crime en Voorlichting

hulplijn en een ‘hotline’ combineert. Netherlands Digibewust – Dutch awareness node Norway Over een nieuw project wordt onderhandeld Poland Polish Safer Internet Combined Node Portugal Portuguese Safer Internet Romania SIGUR.INFO – Een project dat bewustwording, een...


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Sectoragenda MMI

Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus1 , Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia...
