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U zoekt op ‘romania’

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Ordo Iuris - rapport

principle of pluralism within the judiciary’. Analysis of the method of electing judges-members of the councils of the judiciary in 20 EU countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta...


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Knows and unknows of selected POPs in products and waste and recommendation for monitoring POPs in waste and recycling

survey on the other hand contained high levels of SCCPs (Chen et al. 2021) Recommended option: Also, for these product groups, the sampling could go beyond The Netherlands to other EU countries where CP monitoring is...


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Surveillance of perinatal health in Europe

EUROPEAN PERINATAL HEALTH REPORT 26 Figure 2.1 Total fertility rates in European countries in 2010 Data source: Eurostat (2010) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Germany Estonia Ireland Greece Spain France Italy...


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Aan bewindspersoon - overbrengen besluit commissie

g iulia f alzoi - Head of Migration Management Unit at IOM, Italy 2 fInancIaL & DIgItaL InVeStIgatIonS A. r omulus Ungureanu - Head of Unit, National Agency Against Trafficking in Persons, Romania B. Speaker to...


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STATUS LIST Conclusion of safeguards agreements, additional protocols and small quantities protocols as of 7 April 2010

Oct. 1974 216 In force: 26 Feb. 2010 Poland25 Accession: 1 March 2007 193 Accession: 1 March 2007 Portugal26 Accession: 1 July 1986 193 In force: 30 April 2004 Qatar In force: 21 Jan. 2009 In...


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Het Europees scorebord voor justitie stelsels 2016

Czech Republic Denmark Germany Estonia Ireland Greece Spain France Croatia Italy Cyprus Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Hungary Malta Netherlands Austria Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Slovakia Finland Sweden United Kingdom United Kingdom (England and Wales only) United Kingdom...


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NLse reactie op verlenging crisisdeel TCTF voor landbouwondernemingen

DE - Germany EL - Greece HU - Hungary IC - Iceland IE - Ireland IT - Italy LV - Latvia LI - Liechtenstein LT - Lithuania 2 LU - Luxembourg MT - Malta NL -...


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Amendment of the Statute in the context of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU

by common accord of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, • four alternates nominated by common accord of the Kingdom of Denmark, the Hellenic Republic, Ireland and...


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Lijst van vragen en antwoorden over het Financieel jaarverslag van het Rijk 2021 (Kamerstuk 36100-1)

Croatia 44 46 Italy 2.573 2.678 Cyprus 25 24 Latvia 13 15 Lithuania 23 25 Luxembourg 16 18 Hungary 106 115 Malta 7 8 Netherlands 435 448 Austria 316 334 Poland 293 307 Portugal 270 269...


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Rapport Clingendael ‘Weinig empathisch, wel effectief’: Percepties van Nederlandse belangenbehartiging in de Europese Unie

van de respondentengroep inzichtelijk maken. Figuur 1 Country of Origin Belgium Germany France Italy Austria Bulgaria Estonia Ireland Spain Sweden Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Finland Greece Luxemburg Poland Romania 5 ‘Weinig empathisch, wel effectief’ | Clingendael...


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The Road to Holland

European market parties. 13 Consisting of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and China. BRI investment mechanisms With Asia’s infrastructur- e...


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Republic of Macedonia, Malaysia, the Republic of Malta, the United Mexican States, Mongolia, Montenegro, the Kingdom of Mocco, r the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Kingdom of Norway, the Sultanaotfe Oman, the Republic of...


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Overzicht euro's voor de zuivelsector en varkenshouderij

MIO€ Belgium 13.0 Bulgaria 6.0 Czech Republic 11.2 Denmark 11.1 Germany 69.2 Estonia 7.6 Ireland 13.7 Greece 2.3 Spain 25.5 France 62.9 Croatia 1.8 Italy 25.0 Cyprus 0.4 Latvia 8.5 Lithuania 12.6 Luxembourg 0.7 Hungary 9.5...


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Brussels Summit Declaration

Brussels Summit Declaration. 26. We have also developed tailored Forward Presence in the Black Sea region. In Romania, a multinational framework forces briis ngow ade fo in place, and work is underway to further develop...


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EU-voorstel: verordening aanvullend beschermingscertificaat voor geneesmiddelen - herschikking COM (2023) 231 (Engelstalige versie)

Poland, provided that the application for a certificate was lodged within six months starting no later than 1 May 2004; (j) any medicinal product protected by a valid basic patent and for which the first authorisation...
