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U zoekt op ‘romania’

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Collaboration with Justice in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Canada: A comparative study on the provision of undertakings to offenders who are willing to give evidence in the prosecution of others (engelstalig)

prosecution of others (engelstalig). 54445/00 (Verhok ev. the Netherlands), p. 10; ECtHR 25 May 2004, appl. no. 994/03 (Cornelis v. the Netherlands), p. 15; ECtHR 2 June 2015, appl. no. 12512/07 (Shiman v. Romania), para...


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Impact assessment wijziging detacheringsrichtlijn

Poland Rom ania Portuga l N et her lands Scenario 1. Monthly labour costs Equal pay status quo 80 France 2,146 1,960 2,089 2,043 1,868 1587 1692 1654 1513 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Local...


Overige Kamerstukken

IMFC Statement

Moldova, Montenegro, Kingdom of the Netherlands—Netherlands, Romania, and Ukraine Statement by Mr. Johan Van Overtveldt Minister of Finance, Belgium on behalf of Armenia, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, Luxembourg, Former Yugoslav...


Overige Kamerstukken

IMFC statement

Netherlands On behalf of Republic of Armenia, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Republic of Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, Luxembourg, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Kingdom of the Netherlands—Netherlands, Romania, and Ukraine...


Overige Kamerstukken

IMFC Statement by Johan Van Overtveldt Minister of Finance Belgium

of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Romania, and Ukraine Statement by Mr. Johan Van Overtveldt Minister of Finance, Belgium on behalf of Armenia, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, Luxembourg, Former Yugoslav...


Overige Kamerstukken

Commission staff working document; Accompanying document to the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing an European Asylum Support Office

reception capacities.)37 35 Twelve countries (UK, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Lithuania, Latvia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria and Slovakia) indicated their interest in joining this project: UK, Germany, Norway and Netherlands volunteered to act as...


Overige Kamerstukken

IMFC Statement by Mr Van Peteghem Belgium

Belgium On behalf of Principality of Andorra, Armenia, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Republic of Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, Luxembourg, Republic Norf th Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Kingdom of the Netherlands–The Netherlands, Romania, and...


Overige Kamerstukken

De rol en de verantwoordelijkheid van mannen en jongens

chairpersons of political groups or committees, or who are active in the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination: Mr Iulian Bulai (Romania, ALDE), Mr Titus Corlăţean (Romania, SOC), Mr Damien Cottier (Switzerland, ALDE)...


Overige Kamerstukken

Introduction and financing of the general budget

Croatia — Italy 37 543 615 Cyprus 479 335 Latvia 1 333 866 Lithuania 1 324 873 Luxembourg - 29 470 Hungary 4 872 613 Malta 438 532 Netherlands 2 529 744 Austria 1 155 028...


Overige Kamerstukken

Statement by Mr. Ben Knapen Minister for European Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

comprising Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, The Netherlands, Romania and Ukraine Statement by Mr. Ben Knapen Minister for European Affairs and International Cooperation of the...


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EU-voorstel: Herziening verordening inzake verdeling van de inspanningen (ESR) COM (2021) 555 (Engelstalige versie)

the Netherlands, Austria, Member States with costefficient target above GDP target (potential sellers) Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Finland, Italy, Luxembourg...



Een vermoorde boswachter in Roemenië

overheid naast de illegale houtmaffia, verantwoordelijk is? Vraag 5 Bent u bekend met het artikel «Environmental activists take their forest fight against Romania to Brussel»?3 1 Mo.be, 28 oktober 2019, Opnieuw boswachter vermoord in Roemenië (https://www.mo.be/...


Overige Kamerstukken

Low ILUC potential of wastes and residues for biofuels. Straw, forestry residues, UCO, corn cobs

Romania, France, Hungary and Italy, however cob residues are covered separately in chapter 5. Similarly, rice is a major crop in Italy. Finally, sunflower production is significant in Romania, Spain, France and Hungary, however...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel - Richtlijn voor een gemeenschappelijke geconsolideerde heffingsgrondslag voor de vennootschapsbelasting (CCCTB)- COM(2011)

nodoklis NL 78 NL Lietuva pelno mokestis Luxembourg impôt sur le revenu des collectivités Magyarország Társasági adó Malta Taxxa fuq l-income Nederland vennootschapsbelasting Österreich Körperschaftsteuer Polska Podatek dochodowy od osób prawnych Portugal imposto sobre o rendimento...


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Equality between women and men in the EU

Other Please specify What is your function/position within the organisation? Which country do you work in? Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta...
