Gesprek : Oekraïens parlementslid Mezentseva en de burgemeester van Melitopol

De vergadering is geweest

21 april 2022
11:15 - 12:15 uur
Locatie: Max van der Stoelzaal
Commissie: Buitenlandse Zaken
Mariia Mezentseva is the Chair of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Deputy Chair of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Ukraine's Integration with the European Union, elected to the Verkhovna Rada from Kharkiv.

Rustem Umerov is the Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, co-chairman of the Crimean Platform parliamentary group in the Verkhovna Rada.

Olena Khomenko is a member of the Committee on Foreign Policy and Interparliamentary Cooperation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Ivan Fedorov is the mayor of Melitopol. He was abducted on March 11 by the Russian military as they occupied the city of Melitopol. He was released on March 16 as a result of a prisoner exchange. For more than 1.5 months, Melitopol, the city of 150'000 people (the size of Haarlem or Arnhem), remains under Russian occupation.
Maksym Kononenko ambassador or Ukraine



  • S.W. Sjoerdsma (D66)
  • R. de Roon (PVV)
  • A.H. (Agnes) Mulder (CDA)
  • T.M.T. van der Lee (GroenLinks)
  • P.H. Omtzigt (Omtzigt)
  • L.A.J.M. Dassen (Volt)
  • U. Ellian (VVD)


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    Oekraïens parlementslid Mezentseva en de burgemeester van Melitopol