E-mailprocedure : Afstemming bijdrage van het lid De Boer (VVD) over TEN-T in het Europees Parlement

De vergadering is geweest

13 oktober 2015
11:00 uur
Commissie: Infrastructuur en Milieu
Geachte leden van de commissie voor Infrastructuur en Milieu,
Morgenmiddag zal het lid Betty de Boer (VVD) namens uw commissie een inbreng leveren tijdens een interparlementaire bijeenkomst over TEN-T (Trans-Europese vervoersnetwerken) in het Europees Parlement. Aangezien zij daar namens uw commissie spreekt, leg ik ter afstemming de onderstaande spreektekst aan u voor.
Ik verzoek u mij uiterlijk morgen te 11.00 uur te laten weten of u met onderstaande spreektekst kunt instemmen (graag een Allen beantwoorden op dit e-mailbericht). Indien u niet kunt instemmen met de spreektekst, gelieve dan duidelijk aan te geven om welke passage het gaat. De passages waarvoor geen meerderheid is, zullen worden weggelaten uit de spreektekst. Spoedig daarna zal ik u informeren of de voorgestelde spreektekst door de commissie is geaccordeerd.*
Met vriendelijke groet,
Benjamin Koerselman
Adjunct-griffier vaste commissie voor Infrastructuur en Milieu
Griffie commissies Internationaal en Ruimtelijk
Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
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E g.koerselman@tweedekamer.nl | I www.tweedekamer.nl
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  • In the topic of this meeting, cross-border links are specifically mentioned. Cross border missing links are indeed important to address if we want to achieve the realization of the TEN-T network and a well-functioning internal market.
  • There are however also other parts on the core network corridors that deserve our attention: if we want the TEN-T policy to be successfully implemented, it is of equal importance to ensure we have well-functioning access points to the TEN-T network (seaports) and solve other important bottlenecks on the core network.
  • The Committee of Infrastructure and Environment of the Dutch House of Representatives supports the approach of the new TEN-T policy to especially focus on the core network and to implement the TEN-T network through the so-called corridor approach.
  • The evaluation of the previous TEN-T policy has clearly proven the need to concentrate means and efforts to the most important parts of the Trans-European Transport Network, the core netwerk.
  • The corridor approach, which is also supported by us, is another important aspect of the new TEN-T policy.
  • Through the creation of corridor work plans, organizing corridor fora meetings and by the appointment of corridor co-ordinators, it has become possible to quicker and better generate insights on where exactly on the core network the bottlenecks are located and where investments are done as well as to get better insights in the development of the international flow of goods. This should help the involved parties in the Member States to better co-ordinate their investments in transport infrastructure projects.
  • We should of course bear in mind that Member States are still the ones who decide on their infrastructure planning and financing decision and that this principle needs to be respected.
  • The Committee of Infrastructure and Environment of the Dutch House of Representatives believes that the TEN-T core network corridors could not only serve the realization of the TEN-T core network, but could also be used as testing areas for innovative projects, and therefore foster innovation across Europe.
  • Another important issue related to TEN-T and part of today’s agenda is funding.
  • The Committee of Infrastructure and Environment of the Dutch House of Representatives believes that the realization of a high quality TEN-T network is primarily a task for the Member States. Although grants from the EU are important, since they can help to speed up the implementation, the largest part of the budget for TEN-T project still comes from the Member States.
  • Member States should be able to decide freely if their budget allows for investments or not and which investments are the most cost efficient. A cost efficient investment could be the realization of new infrastructure, but it might also very well be to make better use of existing infrastructure, for example through ITS applications or smart logistics.
  • The use of private financial means or innovative financial instruments for projects (that are being developed under a private-public partnership) could help to spread the costs of a project over a longer term. We are therefore favorable to this approach, but also believes that the decision of making use of these instruments, like project bonds or an EIB loan, should be left up to the project itself. It would be very useful if Member States could share their experiences on this.
  • One sector that certainly needs financial assistance, also in the form of innovative financial instruments, is the inland waterway transport sector. The Commission should as much as possible try to facilitate requests for financial support and carefully look at tailor made solutions to allow everyone to make use of the advantages of innovative financial instruments.
  • The Committee of Infrastructure and Environment of the Dutch House of Representatives believes it is also very important for projects to make use of instruments that help to reduce and control costs. The importance of sound cost estimation, applying risk analysis and project control should not be underestimated.
  • I am very pleased with the Commission’s decision to organize, in close co-operation with the incoming Dutch EU Presidency,  the next TEN-T Days from 20 until 22 June 2016 in Rotterdam.



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    Afstemming bijdrage van het lid De Boer (VVD) over TEN-T in het Europees Parlement

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